High digital growth: essential capabilities and the research agenda
by André Luiz Tavares Damasceno; Cristiano Morini; Edmundo Inácio Junior
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), Vol. 27, No. 5/6, 2023

Abstract: High-growth companies are pivotal in driving economic development. This study delves into the essential capabilities required for robust digital growth. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to assess the current state of this field, culminating in a summary table outlining the core capabilities identified. This table contributes to the field and provides a research agenda for high-growth digital businesses. The findings suggest that companies must cultivate these capabilities to navigate the challenges at each growth stage, adapting to each new level of maturity and scale. We have pinpointed 28 core capabilities within a unique framework, considering the stage (startup, growth, or expansion) and resources (strategy, fundraising, governance and management, innovation, and human capital). Given the evolving and progressive nature of capabilities, digital entrepreneurship promotion should consider the specificities and challenges of each stage. Additionally, we have proposed four new research questions to guide future studies in high-growth entrepreneurship.

Online publication date: Wed, 31-Jan-2024

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