Corporate governance and its effect on corporate performance using a dynamic panel model: evidence from Saudi Arabia
by Qadri Aljabri
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 32, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Capital market authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia introduced principles of corporate governance in 2006, which were adopted by listed firms after facing a global financial crisis (Dubai Crisis) 2007/2008. CMA has the responsibility to regulate the Saudi stock market to increase investor confidence and protect the rights of shareholders. This study examines the association between governance mechanism and corporate performance using an upgraded dynamic panel model. Tradition estimation techniques such as static models are biased because of endogeneity issues. This study used various proxies of governance-mechanism and examines its relationship with corporate performance. The non-financial listed firm considers as the sample of the study for five years. The result shows the significant impact of corporate governance on corporate performance in the firms. The findings reveal that corporate governance principles help the firms to improve financial performance, and dynamic models are appropriate to examine the association between corporate-governance and corporate-performance.

Online publication date: Mon, 26-Feb-2024

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