Assessing the relationship between organisational culture and employees' performance: a study on private banking sector in Bangladesh
by Md. Mostafijur Rahman
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 32, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the association between organisational culture (OC) and employees' performance (EP). By using Yamane (1967) formula the study has gotten 91 sample sizes and used a semi-structured questionnaire containing pre-coded and open-ended questions. All questions were rated with the Likert five-point scale. Chi-square test has been used to examine the relationship. The result shows that OC is significantly associated with EP. The finding demonstrates that when employees have, good relationship with colleagues, equity in reward, proper performance appraisal, teamwork environment and satisfaction with leadership style they are satisfied and motivated with leave rules, job security, salary, working schedule, job pressure, job autonomy and working hour. This relationship ensures higher performance. On the contrary, employees are dissatisfied and demotivated with the mentioned circumstances when they cannot participate in decision-making. The paper recommends that organisations should consider OC factors to enhance EP.

Online publication date: Mon, 26-Feb-2024

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