ERP adoption prediction using machine learning techniques and ERP selection among SMEs
by Aveek Basu; Rohini Jha
International Journal of Business Performance Management (IJBPM), Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Small and medium scale industries (SMEs) have always been the backbone of a country's economy as they play a vital role in ensuring the goals such as balancing regional development, equality of income, and poverty alleviation by employment generation. However, SMEs are resistant to growth; facing challenges in sustainability in digital era. Others stay small and avoid taxation related problems. SMEs in developing nations are one of the most aggressive adopters of ERP packages. At times they have incurred huge capital expenses which ultimately raises a question mark in their survival on account of incorrect selection. ERP systems can benefit SMEs post COVID era. In this paper, machine learning techniques applied to predict adoption of ERP and multi-criteria decision-making technique (MCDM) applied for vendor and type of ERP selection viz. cloud ERP, on premise, or hybrid ERP will be suitable for SMEs and appropriate vendors.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Mar-2024

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