The influence of project managers competencies on project success with the project knowledge management as a mediator
by Muhammad Zaheer Hashim; Liu Chao; Chao Wang; Sabir Hussain Awan
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 11, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: This study examines the effect of project manager competencies (communication, teamwork, attentiveness and managing conflict) on project success with a mediating role of project knowledge management. We collected empirical evidence from 193-project managers through a structured questionnaire to test the model. Our results indicate that project manager competencies significantly contribute to project success and knowledge management based on the structural equation modelling. Furthermore, project knowledge management fully mediates the nexus between project manager competencies and project success. Our research recommends organisations emphasise project manager competencies (communication, teamwork, attentiveness and managing conflict) who can efficiently manage project knowledge and subsidise the competitiveness and success of projects.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Mar-2024

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