Improving ride comfort approach by fuzzy and genetic-based PID controller in active seat suspension
by Hamid Gheibollahi; Masoud Masih-Tehrani; Amin Najafi
International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 18, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: This article investigates the influence of two active seat suspension controllers on the ride comfort of an articulated truck semi-trailer. This paper presents a linear truck model with 13 degrees of freedom (DOF). This model is coupled with a four-DOF biodynamic model. GA-PID and fuzzy-PID controllers are defined and applied to the seat suspension to provide more ride comfort under different road conditions. The genetic algorithm (GA) extracts the first PID controller parameters, and the second PID controller parameters are achieved by fuzzy logic control (FLC). The optimisation function was considered a linear combination of some ride comfort factors. Simulation results reveal that GA-PID and fuzzy-PID controllers have had similar results and could improve ride comfort and health by declining motion sickness dose value (37.42%), vibration dose value (37.53%), excess kurtosis (14.41%), crest factor (4.95%), whole body RMS acceleration (37.40%) and its peak (39.51%) compared to the passive suspension systems.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Mar-2024

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