Domain-specific schema discovery from general-purpose knowledge base
by Everaldo Costa Neto; Johny Moreira; Luciano Barbosa; Ana Carolina Salgado
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO), Vol. 16, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: General-purpose Knowledge Bases (KBs) have been used for various applications. An essential step for leveraging the content of KBs on domain-specific tasks is to discover their schema. In this paper, we propose ANCHOR, an end-to-end pipeline for schema discovery from general-purpose KB in an automated way. ANCHOR identifies a domain of interest based on category mapping from KB. Next, it learns representations of entities in this domain based on the entity-category mappings and uses these representations to identify the entities' topics within this domain. Finally, ANCHOR generates a profile for each topic using a strategy based on attributes co-occurrence. We have evaluated ANCHOR on four domains. The results show that: (1) the learned entity representation effectively produces better entity clusters than some traditional and embedding-based baselines; (2) our solution produces a high-quality profile for the discovered topics.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Mar-2024

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