A study on the online class programme during covid pandemic in Kerala government schools
by R.S. Rahul
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 17, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: The global COVID-19 epidemic has prompted a significant move from traditional classroom education to online education, including in Kerala. When the space of education migrated from classrooms to online video meetings, educational institutions from lower primary to academic institutions were compelled to adjust quickly to this new scenario; normal techniques and instruments had to be replaced or modified under this short period of time. In this context this study focuses on how this new normal education method has impacted the school students and their perspective on online video education in relation to its benefits, challenges and the effectiveness of this method during COVID-19 pandemic especially in the state of Kerala. In order to achieve this objective, survey questionnaire has been prepared and various results has been collected from participants including students, parents and teachers of a government school in Kerala. The finding from the study indicates that the online education can be an alternative method for traditional education system, though there should be more effective techniques should be implemented to make students more interactive and to be more involved in their study concepts.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Mar-2024

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