Temperament cardinal to psychological contract fulfilment: a review
by Akanksha Gardia; Shikha Goyal
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Employer-employee is the two prime facets of the organisation. They are the ones which lead the organisation towards its final intention. In this procedure, their commitment and beliefs regulate their behaviour. Their beliefs involved, termed as psychological contract enable them to discard activities favourable or unfavourable towards the organisation. It is the beliefs of parties and obligations towards one another and the organisation. In leading the organisation, this contract plays a significant role, as the breach or fulfilment of this contract assist in the reciprocation of similar behaviour or actions. This paper reviews the recommendations of several authors. The conviction of this paper is to highlight the temperaments which lead to psychological contract fulfilment and it also strives to outline the gaps in the research of various authors regarding this contract fulfilment which is the prime keynote to organisational triumph.

Online publication date: Tue, 05-Mar-2024

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