A systematic approach to problem formulation in a decision support system
by Christian Hannes; Rüdiger von Nitzsch
International Journal of Decision Support Systems (IJDSS), Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Formulating a decision statement is the foundation for systematically solving a decision. In ill-defined decisions, formulating is particularly difficult. Therefore, a decision analyst helps with formulating the problem. Some decision-makers may not afford a decision analyst but need help formulating. We designed a decision support system (DSS) that systemises problem structuring methods (PSMs) to support problem formulation. These PSMs were combined with multi-attributive utility theory (MAUT) in the DSS Entscheidungsnavi. Helping to formulate a decision statement means helping to improve understanding of the decision. Therefore, we measure how the DSS helped to enhance the decision-makers' understanding. We employ the criteria of right scope, preciseness of the decision statement, and users' written feedback. We used the Entscheidungsnavi in an empirical study with 850 students. It helped in 87% of all cases. In 552 cases, the subjects improved their decision statement, and 190 participants did not change their decision statement but wrote that their understanding improved.

Online publication date: Wed, 06-Mar-2024

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