Weakly and almost weakly stable C0-semigroups
by Tanja Eisner, Balint Farkas, Rainer Nagel, Andras Sereny
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations (IJDSDE), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007

Abstract: In this paper we survey results concerning the asymptotic properties of C0-semigroups on Banach spaces with respect to the weak operator topology. The property ''no eigenvalues of the generator on the imaginary axis'' is equivalent to weak stability for most time values; a phenomenon called 'almost weak stability'. Further, sufficient conditions actually implying weak stability are also given. By several examples we explain weak and almost weak stability and illustrate the fundamental difference between them. Many historical and bibliographical remarks position the material in the literature. We conclude the paper with some open questions and comments.

Online publication date: Wed, 23-May-2007

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