Colour offset compensation method of product packaging image based on colour difference interpolation
by Zhao Lan
International Journal of Product Development (IJPD), Vol. 28, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: In order to effectively improve the accuracy of image colour offset compensation and reduce the compensation time, a colour offset compensation method based on colour difference interpolation is proposed in this paper. Based on bilinear chromatic aberration interpolation algorithm, the full resolution chromatic aberration signal of image is estimated preliminarily. After image filtering, the basic colour data and grey balance data of the image are compared to obtain the colour offset. Taking colour block as the minimum unit of deviation compensation, the average value of extended colour level interpolation was added to the single colour level of the calibrated image to complete colour offset compensation. Experimental results show that the maximum compensation time of the proposed method is only 29.6 s, and the maximum MSE value of the compensation result is only 0.179, indicating that the proposed method has higher compensation accuracy.

Online publication date: Fri, 05-Apr-2024

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