Life prediction of vehicle carbon fibre ceramic brake pads based on wavelet packet energy entropy
by Ying Huang
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, 2024

Abstract: In response to the shortcomings of low prediction accuracy and long prediction time in existing brake pad life prediction methods, this paper proposes a life prediction method of vehicle carbon fibre ceramic brake pads based on wavelet packet energy entropy. Firstly, the wavelet packet transform method is used to denoise the obtained original brake pad wear signal. Secondly, the signal is reconstructed and decomposed using wavelet packet decomposition to obtain the time-frequency features of the signal. Then, the brake pad damage feature is extracted by using the wavelet packet energy spectrum to extract the wavelet packet frequency band energy. Finally, the total direct damage value of the brake pad is calculated, and the brake pad life prediction is realised by combining the four-point rainflow counting method. The experimental results show that the mean square error of the proposed method's prediction results is 0.06, and the average prediction time is 2.79 s.

Online publication date: Mon, 15-Apr-2024

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