Thermal runaway detection method of SiO2 aerogel battery pack based on mixed Gaussian hidden Markov model
by Mingzheng Jia; Yanfen Li
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, 2024

Abstract: Thermal runaway has become one of the key factors leading to battery pack failure. Therefore, this paper proposes a detection method based on the mixed Gaussian hidden Markov model to detect the thermal runaway phenomenon of SiO2 aerogel battery pack. Firstly, by analysing the dynamic characteristics of thermal runaway of SiO2 aerogel battery pack, the mechanism of thermal runaway was clarified, and the diffusion behaviour characteristics of thermal runaway were explored. Subsequently, a calculation formula for thermal diffusion coefficient was constructed and feature parameters of thermal runaway were extracted. On this basis, a detection model for thermal runaway of battery packs was constructed using a mixed Gaussian hidden Markov model. The output result obtained by inputting the determined parameters into the model is the detection result of thermal runaway of the battery pack. The experimental data shows that the minimum detection time of 1 second can be obtained by using the method proposed in this paper to detect the thermal runaway of SiO2 aerogel battery pack, and the accuracy of the detection results can reach 96%.

Online publication date: Mon, 15-Apr-2024

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