Fabrication of aluminium metal matrix composites with Al 6063 reinforced with Al2O3 by two step stir casting method for investigation of mechanical properties
by Md. Jalal Uddin Rumi; Arifin Ahmed Sarker; Nafisa Maliyat; Nuzhat Kabir; Sabera Hoque
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, 2024

Abstract: This study examined the mechanical properties and microstructure observation of developed two Al MMCs have been developed, one having a composition of 93 wt. % of Al 6063 reinforced with 7 wt. % of Al2O3 (naming Al MMC-01) and another one having a composition of 86 wt. % of Al 6063 reinforced with 14 wt. % of Al2O3 ((naming Al MMC-02) by two-step stir casting technique. Surface smoothening and sample preparation of both Al MMCs are carried out by CNC machine. The effects of the stir-casting procedure and parameters such as stirring speed, stirring duration, preheating and casting temperature, and effects of squeeze pressure have been carefully selected. The microstructure observation of specimens carried out by SEM confirms the uniform distribution of Al2O3 particles into Al MMCs with very little agglomeration. Mechanical properties such as Brinell hardness, Rockwell hardness, Vickers hardness, and Impact toughness were carried out respectively as per ASTM E10-18, ASTM E18-20, ASTM E92-17, and ASTM E23-18. As per the investigation, Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers hardness increased by 40.6%, 56.5%, and 45.5% respectively for Al MMC-01 in comparison with Al MMC-02. However, the impact strength values decreased by 45.21% for Al MMC-02 in comparison with Al MMC-01.

Online publication date: Mon, 15-Apr-2024

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