Evaluation of shortest path of network by using an intuitionistic pentagonal fuzzy number with interval values
by Prasanta Kumar Raut; Siva Prasad Behera
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), Vol. 16, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Shortest path problems of weighted graphs and networks are extensively used as optimisation tools in numerous problems in different application domains. This optimisation problem is used for determining the shortest path of a fuzzy associated network between two given nodes known as source and destination. Normally, mathematical models may fail to find the proper result, but fuzzy logic can handle it very easily and give the desired result. This work designs an algorithm that computes a path of minimum length along with the shortest length of an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy graph with vertices assuming weights that are crisp numbers and the edges assuming weights that are intuitionistic interval-valued pentagonal fuzzy numbers (IIPFNs). Further, we explain our results with the help of a numerical problem.

Online publication date: Sat, 18-May-2024

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