Active synchronisation of stochastic network systems
by Zhicheng Zhang
International Journal of System Control and Information Processing (IJSCIP), Vol. 4, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: The main concern in this letter is the almost sure active-synchronisation (act-synchronisation) of stochastic network systems. The scaling parameters are adopted to quantify the level of act-synchronisation among agents, and heterogeneous gains are used to assure the physical realisation of the overall plant, due to the inconsistency in signs among scaling parameters. For the devised proposal, it is demonstrated that there is indeed no reason at all to impose a common sign for each pair of scaling parameters and heterogeneous gain. To avoid global information, a local-information-based linear transformation is carried out. Subsequently, the requirement guaranteeing almost sure act-synchronisation is discussed by exploring the exponential stability condition in the mean square sense, associated with the involved error system. It is suggested that the statistical characteristics of the noise relative to expectation and covariance are crucial for the problem of interest, apart fromthe scaling parameter, heterogeneous gain, and the interacting graph.

Online publication date: Thu, 23-May-2024

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