How do short video content characteristics influence short video app addiction? An affective response perspective Online publication date: Fri, 31-May-2024
by Xuebing Dong; Xin Wen; Yaping Chang; Hongbo Li
International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC), Vol. 23, No. 4, 2024
Abstract: With the rapid development of short video apps in recent years, people have become increasingly dependent on the services and applications they provide. However, excessive use of short video apps can cause short video app addiction. Combined with the affective response model, this study explored the impact of short video content characteristics on short video app addiction and its psychological mechanism. Based on 916 valid questionnaires, SPSS 22 and Smart PLS were used to empirically verify the theoretical model. Results showed that the short video app content characteristics (novelty, personalisation) influence on affective responses (curiosity, affinity for short video), and affective responses have a significant positive impact on short video app addiction. In addition, individual mindfulness played an important role in the development of addictive behaviours, helping to alleviate individual short video app addiction.
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