Effect of organisational agility and competitive action on competitive advantage study on small businesses in Banten Province, Indonesia Online publication date: Mon, 10-Jun-2024
by Sitti Ma'ani Nina; Sam'un Jaja Raharja; Rusdin Tahir; Margo Purnomo
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (IJMEF), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, 2024
Abstract: Women entrepreneurs play important role in economic growth, domestically and internationally. The purpose of this study is to test the influence of organisational agility and competitive action on competitive advantage in small businesses managed by women entrepreneurs in Banten Province, Indonesia. This research method used explanatory survey with a quantitative approach. The data were collected by surveying using instruments in the form of questionnaires. The data were analysed descriptively-inferentially by using partial least squares structural equation modelling (SEM). Results showed that organisational agility and competitive action simultaneously and partially had a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage. The research contribution provides a new look at the field of strategic entrepreneurship because capability-building processes and entrepreneurial action processes at the typical organisational level build the creation theory of entrepreneurial action.
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