The impact of CEO’s age on corporate performance in the medical industry: Evidence from China
by Qing Xu; Chunxiao Xue; Jianing Zhang
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (IJMEF), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, 2024

Abstract: The study examines the relationship between chief executive officer's (CEO) age and firm performance in Chinese medical companies and explores how CEOs of different ages have responded to the coexistence of opportunities and challenges during COVID-19. The study focuses on the healthcare and medical industries, exploring whether this particular industry would perform differently during the pandemic. We find no significant relationship between CEO age and company ROA, but a positive relationship between CEO age and company Tobin's Q. And the significantly positive relationship between CEO age and company Tobin's Q disappears during COVID-19. This study provides valuable guidance for the corporate governance of managers and policymakers. China's central role in global trade makes insights from its medical industry pertinent to international markets, affecting investment strategies and policy-making globally. The study's findings on CEO age and firm performance offer valuable lessons for management and governance practices worldwide.

Online publication date: Mon, 10-Jun-2024

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