Marketing model of distribution of intellectual machines as new subjects of socio-economic relations in emerging economies
by Bogdan S. Vasyakin; Dmitry N. Mednikov; Ekaterina A. Karelina; Alexey S. Kharlanov
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop and substantiate the preference of the marketing model of distribution of intellectual machines as new subjects of socio-economic relations in emerging economies. Originality of this research consists in developing a new model of economic policy in emerging economies, which envisage management of intellectual machines' distribution not on the basis of increase of regulation (which is traditionally done) but de-regulation with the help of marketing. The advantages of the offered model include the shift of non-commercial burden on stimulation of intellectual machines' distribution from government to private entrepreneurship (saving government resources) and providing private business with an additional opportunity to obtain commercial advantages from digitalisation with the help of intellectual machines marketing. Contribution of the performed research consists in substantiation of the advantages of the marketing tools of managing the distribution of intellectual machines as new subjects of socio-economic relations.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jun-2024

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