Financial measurement of emerging economies' effectiveness in the age of intellectual machines: scientific methodology and policy implications
by Tatiana M. Vorozheykina; Lyudmila I. Tsvetkova; Elena L. Pozharskaya; Yuliya A. Agunovich
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: This paper aims at developing a scientific methodology of financial measurement of emerging economies' effectiveness in the age of intellectual machines and compiling recommendations for state regulation of financial effectiveness based on digitalisation. Originality of this research consists, firstly, in development of a new methodology of financial measurement of emerging economies' effectiveness, which takes into account the specifics of the age of intellectual machines - large role of innovations and high technologies as the key directions of investing. The use of the leading methodology allows determining financial effectiveness of emerging economies in the age of intellectual machines. Secondly, digitalisation is considered as a factor of financial effectiveness of emerging economies in the age of intellectual machines, and influence of this factor and perspectives of its optimisation with the help of state economic policy in the financial sphere is determined.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jun-2024

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