Budgetary stability of territories as a consequence of developing and developed economies of the regions of Russia
by Nadezhda I. Yashina; Ekaterina P. Garina; Elena V. Romanovskaya; Natalia S. Andryashina; Sergey D. Tsymbalov
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of the regions' budgetary sustainability to identify developing economies in the Russian Federation regions. According to the ideas developed in the article, the budgetary stability of the regions is different and is based on indicators of state financing of human capital and the structure of budget revenues, as well as indicators of the regions' business activity. The vector of budgetary stability of regions repeats the vector of developed or developing economies of regions. The object of the research is consolidated and regional budgets of regions. The subjects are the methods and tools of the budget in Russian Federation regions. Works of leading domestic and foreign scientists and experts in the area of budget management were the theoretical basis of this research. It is based on a systems approach that allows to analyse various aspects of the budget stability evaluation in internal and external financial constraints.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jun-2024

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