Financial strategy of human development management in emerging economies in the age of intellectual machines
by Veronika V. Yankovskaya; Maria V. Zaytseva; Irina V. Petrovskaya; Olga Yu. Kuzmina
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: The goal is to develop a financial strategy of human development management in emerging economies in the age of intellectual machines. A new approach to solving this problem is offered; it envisages the combination of state regulation and search for the ways to activate the market mechanism. Originality of this research consists in consideration and detailed study of a wide set of financial factors of human development in emerging economies in the age of intellectual machines, which allows for precise and correct determination of capabilities (potential) and limitations of application of the financial mechanism for human development. The uniqueness of this paper consists in consideration of the specifics of the age of intellectual machines and the international experience of emerging economies, due to which the developed recommendations in the sphere of economic policy are ready to be implemented and show high effectiveness in emerging economies with progressive digital economy.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jun-2024

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