Labour mobility in emerging economies: a contribution to provision of employees' competitiveness in the age of intellectual machines
by Khadizhat M. Khadzhalova; Shahmardan S. Muduev; Sabina E. Savzikhanova; Olga V. Budzinskaya; Zagrat Z. Arslagereeva
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to determine and compare the contribution of digital and physical labour mobility to the provision of employees' competitiveness in the age of intellectual machines in emerging economies. Originality and advantage of the new approach consist in considering the specifics of the age of intellectual machines as a modern context of economic systems' development. This allows taking into account new criteria of employees' competitiveness and considering an alternative - digital - mechanism of labour mobility, which envisages online communications, virtual transfer of knowledge, experience, and information, and remote employment abroad (preserving the main job in the country of residence) instead of physical relocation of employees (migration from one country to another). Contribution of this research to the theory and practice of economic policy consists in proving the negative influence of labour migration on employees' competitiveness in the age of intellectual machines.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jun-2024

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