Taking innovators to the top
by Pryscilla Aparecida Vaz de Oliveira; Mario Sergio Salerno
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 34, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: Strategic innovation is crucial for sustainable competitive advantage, but its intrinsic nature causes many dismissals. While expert leadership tends to perform better in innovation, innovation managers struggle to ascend to top- management positions. This paper aims to verify how this formula is equalised in two different realities, the most innovative companies in the world and Brazil, by analysing the CEOs' career in the most innovative companies to verify to what extent they have an innovation background from 2016 to 2020 and how it was deployed. The results present a low, but growing representativeness of innovative CEOs in worldwide companies, indicating that top world companies are starting to perceive innovation capability as crucial for strategic positions. Companies have to support the creation of an innovation business function, be aware of their decision-making processes and have suitable HR practices for innovators. Having innovative leadership is essential to overcome obstacles and improve performance.

Online publication date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024

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