An integral augmented sliding mode controller: the experimental application to level control plant
by Ajit Rambhau Laware; Bhagsen Jaggnath Parvat; Ravindra Rambhau Navthar
International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 18, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: It is well-known that servo and regulatory problems in industrial applications requires zero steady-state error. In the absence of an integral-action, uncontrolled systems give steady-state error to some extent or degraded performance under parametric uncertainties and bounded disturbances. Hence, real-time experimentation with integral augmented sliding mode control (IASMC) is adopted to enhance the closed-loop performance of level control plant. Lyapunov candidate function ensures the stability of a system. The practicability of IASMC is guaranteed with laboratory level control model. Experimental results obtained are compared with conventional sliding mode control (SMC) strategies reported by earlier researchers, and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. An evaluation of experimental results with the assumption that nominal plant dynamics are known reveals that the proposed control design method provides a better set-point tracking performance, and fast and smooth level regulation in the presence of external bounded disturbances. It shows better time-domain specifications and error-based performance indices. The study shows that IASMC is applicable to industrial control systems and an alternate control strategy to prevalent design methods.

Online publication date: Tue, 02-Jul-2024

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