Your communication really affect me: mediating role of team building approach in the relationship of communication barrier and turnover intention and task performance
by Imran Sharif; Binte Zainab; Albert John; Amna Ali; Ahmed Abdul Hameed; Muhammad Waqas
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 11, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: This research investigated the influence of communication barrier (CB) on team building (TB) activities of employees related to fast-food industry in the UK. Moreover, this research also examined the intervening role of TB for CBs and task performance and turnover intention relationship. Data (n = 274) were gathered from fast-food retail chains. Findings demonstrated that CB was negatively significantly related with TB and employee task performance and positively related to employees' turnover intention. Moreover, TB mediates the relationship between CB and both job outcomes such as task performance and turnover intention. Findings of this study demonstrate a distinctive understanding of CB in the fast-food services providing institution, i.e., how CB impacts on employees' task performance and turnover intention through TB activities.

Online publication date: Thu, 04-Jul-2024

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