Relationships between Machiavellianism and impression management tactics: the moderating role of emotional intelligence
by Oznur Azizoglu; Leyla Boy Akdag
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 11, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: This study examines the relationships between Machiavellianism and impression management tactics in organisations. The moderating role of emotional intelligence in these relationships is also investigated. The research data were obtained through the administration of a questionnaire to white-collar workers working in public and/or private sector organisations in Turkey who have completed or are continuing their graduate education. The study found that the dimensions of Machiavellianism have positive and statistically significant effects on impression management tactics. The moderating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between Machiavellianism and self-promotion was found to be significant and get strong the strength of the relationship. White-collar employees working in large-scale organisations and with a high level of education tend to adopt a Machiavellian attitude and resort to impression management tactics for their personal purposes. The results of the research reveal that the positive effect of Machiavellianism on self-promotion, one of the impression management tactics, will become somewhat stronger as the level of emotional intelligence increases.

Online publication date: Thu, 04-Jul-2024

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