The narratives of police service quality during COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical investigation
by Richa Burman; Noopur
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 32, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic created unparalleled problems for law enforcement agencies; the present research work focused on examining the role of job stress, workplace support, and LMX in improving police service quality during the pandemic. This paper will analyse organisational commitment as a mediator between the proposed conceptual model. Data was obtained using survey method from the Indian state of Rajasthan. Substantiating it with few cases, the empirical analysis for the collected responses was done through a SPSS plugin named PROCESS. Hardly any studies exploring the behavioural factors at the workplace which can enhance or diminish the police service quality are present in academic literature. Hence, this study has brought forward the role of job stress, workplace support, LMX, organisational commitment in analysing and comparing police attitudes towards better service quality. The study will act as a framework which can be replicated in order to enhance police responsiveness in other countries.

Online publication date: Wed, 24-Jul-2024

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