A research on metal sealing ring forming process database system and its application
by Chang Fan; Wuyang Sun; Zhao Zhang; Dinghua Zhang; Zaifei Zhou; Ming Luo
International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: Aiming at the forming process of metal sealing ring, in order to enhance and strengthen the automation level of the forming process and the stability of the forming quality, it is necessary to develop the metal sealing ring forming process database system. In order to accumulate data, knowledge and production status during the forming process, it is necessary to collect and store data such as material properties, workpiece dimensions, process equipment, process parameters, forming quality, and forming performance based on the structure-process-performance hierarchical model. In order to facilitate the storage and query of data, we have developed a B/S-based metal sealing ring forming process database system. This database system integrates data management, materials error-proofing, production operation status analysis, and system management, which helps to improve design level, accelerate process iteration, and improve production efficiency. [Submitted 8 November 2022; Accepted 20 March 2024]

Online publication date: Thu, 01-Aug-2024

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