Multi-criteria decision making in the fuzzy front-end innovation process
by Ahmet Çubukcu; Metehan Tolon
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 34, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: Innovation contests organised under innovation management software (IMS) tools are important platforms to implement open innovation. Innovation contests help innovation professionals and decision makers manage the potential innovative ideas in the fuzzy front-end innovation process. While these contests provide a road map for idea management, the approaches used in the idea evaluation phase are insufficient. Decision-makers and innovation professionals need to be supported by robust techniques in the idea evaluation phase. Within this context, we propose multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods to evaluate the potential innovative ideas in the fuzzy front-end innovation process. In this context, four MCDM methods are examined and it can be seen that two of these execute more reliable and effective results.

Online publication date: Wed, 28-Aug-2024

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