Identity management model: Algerian case
by Ahmed Berbar; Abdelkader Belkhir
Electronic Government, an International Journal (EG), Vol. 20, No. 5, 2024

Abstract: The success of the digitalisation process of services requires the implementation of an environment of trust that allows the identification of all stakeholders. The most challenge is to secure this digital identity in order to prevent any illegal operation such as identity falsification or access to the personal data. These challenges become more important when it comes to an e-GOV platform bringing all the services offered to citizens and carrying all of their data. In order to meet this challenge, this article proposes a structured, hierarchical and universal model of identification which uniquely identifies each stakeholder (administration, company, citizen, etc.), while protecting the personal data against any manipulation, access or disclosure without the owner's approval.

Online publication date: Mon, 02-Sep-2024

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