Visual place representation and recognition from depth images
by Farah Ibelaiden; Slimane Larabi
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR), Vol. 14, No. 5, 2024

Abstract: We propound a new visual positioning method that recognises the previously visited places whose descriptors are stored in a dataset that does not need updates. The descriptor of the unknown location is computed from a depth video acquired by surrounding the depth camera in the scene to build gradually the corresponding 3D map. From which the 2D map is derived and described geometrically based on the architectural features to constitute the query descriptor which is compared to database descriptors in order to deduce the location. The experiments show the efficiency and robustness of the proposed descriptor to scenery changes, light variations and appearance changes.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-Sep-2024

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