Improved green wireless sensor network using modified prediction oriented distributed clustering Online publication date: Tue, 03-Sep-2024
by Pranati Mishra; Ranjan Kumar Dash
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR), Vol. 14, No. 5, 2024
Abstract: In this paper, an improved clustering protocol is suggested for WSNs, in which a new cluster head strategy for non-uniformly distributed nodes and network lifespan is introduced. The network follows a mess topology of wireless sensor nodes that report to a main station for observation and study. Geographical and contextual analysis and visualisations are provided. It is considered as a green network because the overall network consumes less energy. Main application of this research work includes data observation and communication of data to the base station. It includes multi-level node clustering to efficiently save energy at multiple levels. Priorly the PODC algorithm shows the optimised result in comparison to EADC and SA-EADC algorithm. In this work improved PODC works with the additional multilevel clustering. The result shows the improvement in network lifetime and energy dissipation among sensor nodes, and it is observed that the proposed improved PODC performs far better than them. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that proposed protocol improves the network life span while maintaining original sensing coverage level for the network.
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