Antecedents of donors' trust and donation behaviour towards charity organisation: empirical evidence from Pakistan
by Yasir Aziz; Fadillah Mansor; Luqman Bin Haji Abdullah; Najeeb Zada
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 11, No. 5, 2024

Abstract: This study examines the antecedents of trust in a charity organisation (COs) and evaluated the influence of donors' trust in COs. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour, we conceptualised the association between communication, perceived integrity, perceived competency, perceived benevolence, disbursement, donors' trust in COs, and donors' donation behaviour, and examined the factors which affect the behaviour and attitude of the donors, particularly their donation behaviour toward COs and their trust development in COs. We collected data from donors through a self-administered questionnaire and utilised structural equation modelling for data analysis. The findings confirm the multidimensional perspective of trust toward COs in Pakistan and corroborate that trust in COs exists when the donors have confidence in COs. The results also showed that the funds are distributed among beneficiaries adequately ensuring transparency in providing accurate and timely information about their donated amount. The findings also confirmed that donors' trust in COs positively influences the donors' attitude toward COs. This study helps in understanding factors that contribute to trust-building in COs and influences donors' attitudes toward COs. The study offers suggestions for building strong trust among the donors and COs and encouraging donors to donate to the COs.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-Sep-2024

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