Intercultural competence, memorable experiences influence on Asian tourists' decisions
by Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi; Avinash K. Shrivastava
International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP), Vol. 14, No. 5, 2024

Abstract: Cultural tourism is a vital part of the tourism industry, where travellers explore and experience the unique culture, heritage, traditions, art, history, and lifestyle of a place or community. This research aims to investigate the relationships between tourist intercultural competency (TIC) and the quality of their memorable cultural tourism experience (MCTE) during their visits to the Asian countries of India and Nepal. Additionally, the study also investigates how this MCTE influences tourist decisions (TD). This study employed structural equation modelling (SEM) to explore the connections between the constructs TIC and MCTE along with MCTM influences on TD. The research identified three crucial factors within TIC and six factors within MCTE that have a substantial impact on the cultural tourist experience and play a significant role in travel decisions. These findings create opportunities for the tourism industry, event managers, and tour planners to develop innovative and highly effective destination marketing strategies.

Online publication date: Wed, 04-Sep-2024

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