Exploring the impact of Triple Helix and innovation workshops on Uttarakhand's tourism industry
by Vijay Prakash Prajapati; R.K. Dhodi; Kuldeep Verma; Kamlesh Kohli
International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP), Vol. 14, No. 5, 2024

Abstract: This research explores the Triple Helix relationship in Uttarakhand, India, focusing on collaborative interactions between governments, universities, and businesses. It employs a constructivist framework and qualitative research methods to examine stakeholder efforts to promote innovation. Data was collected through interviews with key figures, including a Professor of Tourism from the University of Uttarakhand, a representative from the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, and local travel agency owners. A focus group of four participants provided additional data. Qualitative content analysis was used to interpret findings, revealing a common acknowledgment of collaboration's importance and the need for external insights to address organisational obsolescence. Participants stressed transformative change over conventional techniques. The study centers on university-industry interactions as vital for enhancing competitiveness and innovation in Uttarakhand's tourism industry. However, barriers to collaboration and creativity, particularly in small and medium-sized firms, were identified, attributed to limited information sharing and trust issues stemming from conservative customs.

Online publication date: Wed, 04-Sep-2024

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