Detection method of icing thickness of overhead transmission lines based on canny algorithm
by Yang Yang; Shenbing Hua; Hongxia Wang; Meng Li; Qifei He; Minguan Zhao; Yuanhao Wan; Shuyang Ma
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (IJETP), Vol. 19, No. 3/4, 2024

Abstract: This study proposes a novel detection approach utilising the canny algorithm to address the low accuracy issues in traditional icing thickness detection on overhead transmission lines. Employing an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a camera for collecting icing images, noise interference is mitigated via compressive sensing theory. Converting the images into greyscale enables edge detection using the canny algorithm. Utilising random Hough transform for extracting edge lines, which are then fused with edge images for subsequent processing and ice thickness calculation. Experimental results validate the substantial enhancement in detection accuracy and efficiency for icing thickness detection on overhead transmission lines with the application of this method.

Online publication date: Tue, 10-Sep-2024

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