Decision-making models in business leadership: Thirukkural perspective
by Jayendira P. Sankar
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 33, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: This study explores the perspective of Thirukkural, a well-known work of human thinking, on decision-making models in business leadership. The aim is to understand how Thirukkural promotes a cognisant and effective decision-making strategy for organisations by assessing various characteristics of decision-making models such as creativity, intuition, and rationality. The study employs hermeneutics, research, and theory to interpret the text and presents its findings. The study emphasises the significance of Thirukkural's perspective on decision-making models and suggests that future research should investigate other related areas, such as stress management, time management, and human resource management.

Online publication date: Fri, 04-Oct-2024

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