Simplified control strategy-based three-phase reduced switch UPQC for mitigation of power quality problems
by Anha Farooq; Abdul Hamid Bhat
International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPELEC), Vol. 20, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: Unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is a multifunction custom power device employed for addressing power quality problems related to both voltage and current in power distribution systems. This paper presents an eight-switch topology instead of traditional twelve-switch UPQC in an effort to reduce the number of switches to bring down the cost and power losses that in turn increases the performance of the system. The performance of reduced switch unified power quality conditioner is tested for numerous power quality issues using a nonlinear load (i.e., 3-φ diode bridge rectifier). A simplified control algorithm based on generation of unit vector templates has been employed for refinement of these power quality problems. The model of reduced-switch unified power quality conditioner has been evolved using MATLAB/Simulink and SimPowerSystems software to analyse the role of custom power device to enhance the power quality of the power system and experimental validation is done by utilising real-time digital simulator.

Online publication date: Wed, 16-Oct-2024

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