Quality of work life: an impact on bankers productivity
by Habeeb Ur Rahiman; Rashmi Kodikal
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 35, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: Quality of work life (QWL) is a generic term that includes an employee's feeling about various aspects of their work including the compensation and rewards, job security, interpersonal relations and the intrinsic meaning of being satisfied in their workplace. This research paper was documented with an intention to understand the influence of the QWL on the productivity of employees working in the banking arena. The study examined the most clout able factors that contributed to the quality of work-life of employees and its correlation on their productivity. A multi-stage sampling method was used to draw a sizeable sample from ten major banks situated in the Karnataka state of India. A total of 756 personnel spread across various branches belonging to rural, semi-urban and urban were covered. The study was validated further by testing various hypotheses drawn based on a review of the literature. The study empirically identified eight major attributes that influence the QWL of bankers. The relationship between QWL and productivity was investigated with notable results using SEM approach.

Online publication date: Mon, 21-Oct-2024

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