Socially responsible human resource management and employees' entrepreneurial behaviour: social exchange perspective
by Muzaffar Abbas; Sadaqat Ali; Qlander Hayat; Naveed Saif; Muhammad Mudassar Hussain
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV), Vol. 16, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: This study investigates the influence of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) on employees' entrepreneurial behaviour (EEB) in the manufacturing sector. Anchored in the social exchange theory, the research explores the intricate dynamics between SR-HRM practices, EEB, and knowledge hiding tendencies among employees. The choice of the manufacturing sector stems from the sector's reliance on skilled labour and the consequential impact on performance and innovation. A sample of 384 employees participated, with data collected through adapted questionnaires administered both in person and online. The findings indicate that SR-HRM significantly predicts EEB while negatively influencing knowledge hiding. Moreover, knowledge hiding mediates the relationship between SR-HRM and EEB. The study also identifies knowledge-oriented leadership as a crucial moderator in these dynamics. In practical terms, these insights guide HR managers and industrial psychologists in recruitment, selection, and intervention strategies to foster social exchange theory and mitigate knowledge hiding's adverse effects in the manufacturing sector.

Online publication date: Tue, 29-Oct-2024

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