Consequences and pitfalls of COVID-19 on supply chain management of the readymade garments industry
by Rubel; Gagandeep Kaur; Prashant Siddhey
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 33, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: The consequences of COVID-19 have restricted the movement of people and products throughout the world. The estimated outcome of this pandemic situation is the greatest global challenge in human history. In Bangladesh, ready-made garments (RMGs) are one of the key sources for total economic development. That is why textile and apparel supply chain management is the key sector in Bangladesh. This paper explains the effect of the current pandemic to the worldwide apparel supply chain and garments field especially in Bangladesh. It is also explains here how supply chain disruptions are bringing about new changes in working conditions and employment status. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the worldwide apparel supply chain and garments, with a particular focus on Bangladesh, is explained in this paper. Throughout this paper, we will also discuss the new working conditions and employment changes in garment factories.

Online publication date: Mon, 11-Nov-2024

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