Analysing the perceptions of generations X, Y and Z about online platforms and digital marketing activities - a review
by Anoop Gurunathan A; K.S. Lakshmi
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 33, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: Marketers are challenged to uncover new insights to hold the attention of all generations with digital marketing and advertising. This review explores the perceptions, behaviours, traits and expectations of generations X, Y, Z regarding digital marketing that is engaging, informative and influential to their consumer behaviour. We observed similarities that all generations are using WhatsApp for informal communication and e-mail for official communication. YouTube is the common online streaming platform used by all generations. GenX prefers in-store shopping over online shopping, but all generation agree to the convenience and easiness of online shopping. GenX uses social media like Facebook, Twitter, whereas GenY mostly uses Facebook, Instagram. GenZ uses Instagram, SnapChat and is slowly shifting away from Facebook. GenX are generally ignored by businesses while developing digital marketing strategies. This review will be a step towards imparting ideas to marketers to develop effective marketing strategy for all generations.

Online publication date: Mon, 11-Nov-2024

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