Macroeconomic determinants hindering economic growth: a study of Bangladesh Online publication date: Mon, 11-Nov-2024
by Poonam; Ravinder; Vijender Pal Saini
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 33, No. 3, 2024
Abstract: The study is an attempt to examine the determinants of the economic growth of Bangladesh during the timeframe 1991-2020. Two-unit root tests ADF and PP are used to examine the presence of the unit root in the series. The bootstrap ARDL approach is used to examine the long-run and short-run relationships among the variables. All selected variables are found stationary at the first difference except foreign aid and inflation. The results imply that some of the sample variables FDI, government expenditure, openness to trade, and overseas aid positively affect economic growth in the long-run. However, external debt has an adverse impact on growth in the short as well as long term. As a result, Bangladesh's policymakers should prioritise exports, foreign aid, and greenfield investments while reducing their reliance on external indebtedness.
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