Solution of a mining equipment maintenance system model in imprecise environment
by Ashok Kumar Shaw; Mostafijur Rahaman; Sankar Prasad Mondal; Banashree Chatterjee; Shariful Alam
International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR), Vol. 51, No. 4, 2024

Abstract: In this paper, a mining equipment maintenance system is depicted by a mathematical model described in terms of a pair of differential equations. The impreciseness involved in a real-life situation is accounted in this paper letting the initial condition and associated parameters to be imprecise in nature. Two most popular mathematical knowledge dealing with the sense of uncertainty, namely the fuzzy and interval environments are utilised here to analyse and solve the proposed model under uncertainty. The solutions of the uncertain differential equations (both interval and fuzzy) corresponding to the model are getting inspired by the generalised Hukuhara derivative of a set valued function. Different crispification techniques of converting the fuzzy and interval solutions into their crisp representatives are manifested to compute and compare the score of feasible decisions under uncertainty.

Online publication date: Mon, 16-Dec-2024

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