CEO characteristics, corporate social responsibility, and corporate performance: a systematic and bibliometric analysis
by Xiaolin Wang; Ai-Fen Lim; Kay-Hooi Keoy
International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between CEO characteristics, corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, and corporate performance (CP), by conducting a systematic literature review and bibliography analysis of 65 published articles from 2011 to 2022. Three underlying themes are found by a thematic analysis, including: 1) the impact of CEO characteristics on CP via CSR as a mediator; 2) the impact of CSR on CP via CEO characteristics as a moderator; 3) the impact of CP on CEO dismissal (compensation or turn over) via CSR as moderator. Our results attest to the inconclusiveness of CEO characteristics and CP, and the inconsistency of CSR and CP by other scholars. Our results also find that CSR becomes an impact factor in CEOs' career outcomes. Firms can take advantage of CEOs' characteristics and really internalise CSR to improve their CP and to achieve the target of sustainable development goal 12.

Online publication date: Thu, 19-Dec-2024

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