Global competitiveness, comparative advantage, and intensity of Indian floriculture trade: scenario after National Horticulture Mission
by Diksha Sinha; Roopali Sharma
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM), Vol. 20, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: Following the trade reforms and the launch of the National Horticulture Mission in 2005-2006, floriculture has emerged as a crucial commercial activity within Indian agriculture. This paper delves into an analysis that seeks to identify and assess India's comparative advantage and competitiveness of floriculture products in the global market using the Balassa revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index and the Vollrath indices respectively. Additionally, the trade intensity index (TII) is employed to determine the extent of bilateral trade between India and 25 significant floriculture export destinations spanning the years from 2005 to 2022. The result reveals that India does not have a comparative advantage in the export of overall floriculture products under the HS06 category of products to the world market. The study highlights the vast scope of floriculture trade development worldwide and concludes with probable suggestive strategies to improve export performance and overcome the challenges of the Indian floriculture trade.

Online publication date: Mon, 06-Jan-2025

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