Partitioning strategies for parallel domain decomposition in modelling transport phenomena Online publication date: Fri, 04-Jul-2003
by Ali Ecder
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (PCFD), Vol. 1, No. 4, 2001
Abstract: Domain decomposition is a natural form of parallel preconditioning for discretised systems of partial differential equations, and the Additive Schwarz Method (ASM) is a convenient limiting form of domain decomposition preconditioning, since it maximises concurrency for a specified number of subdomains. However, except in the case of homogeneous, isotropic, elliptically-dominated systems, few of the many algorithmic parameters required by ASM possess a theoretical basis for their selection. This paper is an attempt to fill this gap experimentally. The parameters include the magnitude of anisotropic convective and diffusive effects, the order of the upwinded discretisation, the decomposition topology, decomposition orientation (relative to the anisotropy), the subdomain overlap, the accuracy of the subdomain solutions making up the composite preconditioner. The effects of these parameters on the numerical convergence rate, execution time, and parallel efficiency on distributed-memory parallel computers and workstations clusters are reported.
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